Tae Kwon Do

What is Tae Kwon Do?


It is a martial art that began in Korea and allows a smaller, weaker person to successfully defend themselves against a larger, stronger attacker by utilizing distance, technique, and power.  Tae Kwon Do is known for fun kicks (like jumping and spinning) and board breaking as well as respect.  Beyond the techniques, we teach Tae Kwon Do as a lifestyle…a lifestyle focused on self-improvement, healthy living, helping others, and enjoying life to the fullest.



How is the Infinity Tae Kwon Do program unique?


Everyone trains in Tae Kwon Do for different reasons and our members come from various walks of life.  The Infinity Tae Kwon Do program offers a dynamic and fun way for people to enhance their lives.  However, what truly distinguishes our program lies in how it is taught.  We utilize an extremely structured, progressional, challenging, and effective curriculum. The Schuster Team leverages its background in education, combined 50-plus years of martial arts experience, and unique creativity to maintain a welcoming training environment with high energy and positive reinforcement.  Class sessions focus on technical precision and practical effectiveness along with intentional character-building.  Our over-arching philosophy and approach allow students to build their Tae Kwon Do knowledge and ability in a faster and more solidified manner.




Tae Kwon Do Benefits



class options




Super Kids 1 (3 year-olds)


Super Kids 1 is a fun and dynamic class where students learn how to be good listeners and follow directions.  Coordination and body awareness are developed through Tae Kwon Do-based stations and games!  Small class sizes help even the most nervous student acclimate to a new environment.  We use imagination as we block falling tree branches and kick inside an alligator's mouth!  Your little Super Kid will love this class!


Super Kids 2 (4-5 ½  year-olds)


This class teaches children the importance of listening and paying attention while developing large muscle coordination through creative drills and purpose-oriented games.  In Super Kids 2, students start working toward and earning stripe belts.  It is a great class for our young people and their imagination.  If you observe a class, you will see students working hard and learning while hearing the squeals of excitement as they fly through space, run from a silly snake, or jump over alien lasers.


Super Kids 3 (5 ½-7 year-olds)


Running, kicking, punching, laughing, and sweating!  The Super Kids 3 class provides students with a constructive outlet to release their limitless energy while gaining confidence, self-esteem, and fitness!  Students pick any two Super Kids 3 class offerings a week and can select different class times each week, which allows for greater flexibility for busy families.  Earning striped belts is motivating for students as they are rewarded for their hard work!  Students graduate from the Super Kids program by testing for their solid yellow belt.  Character building is woven throughout this class as we support parents in raising awesome kids!


The Super Kids Program is for our youngest students.  It was created exclusively so children ages three to six could enjoy and succeed in Tae Kwon Do.  Age-appropriate classes that cater to a child's level of mental (tons of imagination), physical (lots of movement to match their energy), and emotional (loving and motivating instruction) development.  At Infinity Martial Arts, every child (the super-talented youngster, the timid child, the uncoordinated individual, or the child with special needs) can be a rockstar!  We have had numerous Super Kids grow up and earn their black belts!


Youth Class (ages 7-12)


This is an awesome class targeted for this specific age group.  Character talks are relevant to issues, growth, and challenges for 7-12 year-olds.  The classes are fun, full of energy, and a great workout.  The Youth class is a great outlet to get kids moving after a long day of school.


All Ages Class (7-Adult)


This is a great fit for families that want to train together, individuals, and teens.  This class is unique because it lets kids see adults experience the same learning process (that they are going through), allows students to see how higher ranks perform, and provides leadership opportunities for higher ranks to help newer students.  Taekwondo is one of the few activities that families can enjoy together.  Watch out…Tae Kwon Do is addicting, so we often have someone start to then have a sibling or parent join.  The All Ages class is where everyone can train together.


Black Belt Class


This is an additional half-hour class that all black belt students attend in addition to their regular classes.  Class time is spent on various aspects, such as:






What’s stopping you?


When parents find out that we teach martial arts, we often hear things like; "My child isn't the most coordinated", "My child has a crazy amount of energy", and "My child has special needs."  Don't worry...we know and love kids.  The beauty of martial arts is that it meets the child right where they are, and the growth begins from there.



"We thank you for staying committed to them [the students].
They love you as much as you love them."

~Tae Kwon Do parent


When adults find out that we teach martial arts, we commonly hear things like; “I’m out of shape”, “I’m not flexible”, and “I’ve never done it before.”  We understand, and that is exactly why you should start martial arts training!!



Tae Kwon Do additional program information


Required equipment:





At Infinity Martial Arts, we test for belt promotions…and our students/parents find significant value in the testing process.  We utilize a structured curriculum, with technique requirements for each promotion.  We are very transparent about what is required to advance in rank, so each student knows exactly what to focus on to improve to the next level.  During our designated Review Week, students ready for promotion are given an invitation outlining the details of the test day.  Test day is an awesome way to mark achievement and learning.  It is full of martial art demonstrations and board breaking.  Friends and family are encouraged to attend.


Belt structure: 



youtube channel:


Visit our YouTube channel, which has videos for:




Our number one priority as instructors is the safety of our students (physical and emotional).  The only way students can learn is when they are in a physically and emotionally safe environment.    

